Legal - Page 3

Matt Campbell

What age group causes the most car accidents?

Matt Campbell

 What age group causes the most car accidents?

While there are a lot of instances where no driver believes they are at fault, the data shows that it's not necessarily the learner drivers or P-Platers mostly at fault.

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to hang things from the rearview mirror in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to hang things from the rearview mirror in Australia?

Those fuzzy dice could get you in trouble if they obscure your view – so make sure you can see out the front of your car.

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to not be able to see out your car’s back window in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to not be able to see out your car’s back window in Australia?

Being able to see out of the front of your vehicle are strict. But the rear windshield? Seemingly not as big of a deal.

Matt Campbell

Are fluffy dice illegal in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 Are fluffy dice illegal in Australia?

Fluffy dice, or fuzzy dice. We’ve all seen them hanging from car rearview mirrors, but if you were to have a set of these ornamental six-spots in your car, you could be in line for a fine. 

Matt Campbell

Is it legal to have a dog in the back of my ute?

Matt Campbell

 Is it legal to have a dog in the back of my ute?

If you do the wrong thing and are caught for it, it’s more than just a slap on the wrist with fines in excess of $8000!

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to use my phone to pay in the drive-thru or for parking?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to use my phone to pay in the drive-thru or for parking?

You may have wondered when you’ve pulled up to pay for your late night fast food run, “am I allowed to pay using my phone?” It's complicated...

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to leave my keys in the car?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to leave my keys in the car?

You may not realise it, but those that leave their keys in the car are breaking a particular law by doing so.

Matt Campbell

Is it legal to have a knife or weapon in your car?

Matt Campbell

 Is it legal to have a knife or weapon in your car?

If you were to be pulled over by a police officer and you happened to have a knife with you, that would – in theory – be fine, so long as you are carrying that ‘weapon’ for a lawful purpose. 

Matt Campbell

Is it illegal to swear at a police officer?

Matt Campbell

 Is it illegal to swear at a police officer?

Sorry officer, it was just a slip of the tongue... Are you allowed to swear at law enforcement?

Matt Campbell

Is it legal for passengers to drink alcohol in a car?

Matt Campbell

 Is it legal for passengers to drink alcohol in a car?

Is it illegal for passengers to be in your car while drinking alcohol? Can you get in trouble for it? It depends on where you live and where you are in the car.

Scott Collie

Is vaping legal or banned while driving?

Scott Collie

 Is vaping legal or banned while driving?

New laws about vapes are coming into force soon. Is it legal to smoke or vape while you're driving a car in Australia?

Matt Campbell

What is the highest speed limit in Australia?

Matt Campbell

 What is the highest speed limit in Australia?

110km/h? 130km/h? Unlimited? What is the fastest you can legally drive in Australia and where? We take a look at the different state rules.

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